Use these commands to determine how SAM Virus Clinic works on your Macintosh by setting the program's standard and advanced options.
'Advanced Menus' is turned off. Select it to display the Scan Options, Protection Options, and Define Scan Macro.
'Advanced Menus' is turned on. Scan Options, Protection Options, and Define Scan Macro are now available on the Options Menu.
'General Options' displays the General Options dialog box. Use these options to set which buttons appear in the main window, what conditions cause the Results Window to clear, and which volumes are preselected when you start SAM Virus Clinic.
'Scan Options' displays the Scan Options dialog box. Use these options to control the types of files scanned, the extent of the scan, and the information displayed in the Results Window.
'Protection Options' displays the Protection Options dialog box. Use these options to select which protection options are used when you protect your files from future viruses.
'Define Scan Macro' displays the Define Scan Macro dialog box. Use these options to choose the settings for the scan macros that appear on the Features Menu.